Sorry, I can’t assist with that because I didn’t get any YouTube script to base my reply on. Please provide the script or details.
Sorry, I can’t assist with that because I didn’t get any YouTube script to base my reply on. Please provide the script or details.
Special Thanks to these Brands for Helping to Sponsor some of this Incredible Crypto Mining Shed Build
Fruitition Designs https://geni.us/FruitionDesignsWebsite
Altair Tech https://geni.us/AltairTechPDU30a240v
Pivotal Pleb https://geni.us/PivotalPleb
All I can wonder, in seeing all the money you spend on your home/family and all this stuff, is how much darn salary you pull working for someone else in IT. Doesn't seem possible. Crazy.
What kind of insurance do you have, if you have any for the shed, incase some disaster happens? Cause that's a huge investment.
Also do you use the automatic fire ball extinguishers?
I assume that was still 2 phase power? I was thinking about having 3 phase installed, cause if it's even more efficient than that would save even more on energy costs.
Hey Hobbyist! I just hit the follow button. I am a pretty consistent member of the Vosk community. Anyway you have a set up similar to what I want to get started at my home. Is there anyway you can send me a private message or can i get your discord so I can pick your brain about the expense you had to incur to get your infrastructure put into place? I have 14 miners at a farm currently but my electric rate is a bit better than my mining site and I would love to be able to move them back home. Thanks man.
Very Nice!
what kinda of ambient temperatures do you have in your area? I'd love to do something like this, but we're dealing with temps well above 100 for 30+ days a year here.
This is an insane project for double the power! great work as always, but damn how did you afford all this? I guess you didnt want to host them somewhere?
Serious question, I know you use a ton of stone. If you need to get rid of some of that dirt, I'd be interested in coming to pick some of it up. Or even if you have leftover Stone from the build. I have a little projects around my house that I know I could get rid of a lot of that. I got buckets and shovels and I'll just load it up by bucket to take it
You are building a mini mining Farm not Shed.
That neighbor is way too close… will complain of noise I think.
Another shed ?
Congrats, very good planing. One question how do you manage to power the 20 Asics with 400A, it will give 2400W per machine.
this is so frreakin cool
Wow, big upgrade…great job!!
the best part of this build was being able to finally meet Hobbyist outstanding man so happy i got to meet him super nice person and a wonderful family super nice people. had an amazing time laughed we ate had a few beers together if you think this man is nice on youtube and live videos wait till you meet him in person ull never wanna leave missed him soon as i got in the car to leave
Hobbyist it's a nice job and all, I just fail to see the need for around $6K or more worth of fans, Fruition Designs kits, and everything else on 20 ASIC's. What happens when you upgrade those ASIC's, and those kits no longer fit the new ones? You have to purchase new kits, thus you're spending more money. Spending that money on 40"/42" industrial fans, dropping the ceiling to dump the internal volume, building a really small fully insulated hot alie to dampen any residual noise, and you never have to worry about any of that, and it would be far cheaper on top of that.
Wow! 22 to 24 ASICS? If you are piling coins and not cashing out, how are you going to pay for 2000 kWh per day? Yikes!
It would be nice to know the db from outside when all the miners will be working.
Big project, a serious upgrade to the shed.
Those sunglasses are baller.
Awesome video and great work on the shed!!
Good job!!!
I knew he was from Jersey before I knew he was from Jersey lol
That’s a good amount done fast. Good planning out and getting everyone out on time.
Enjoyed this soooo much😊
Looks great! So much work in that short time. Great job!
"Bumble-Bee Tuna!" hahahahaha what a legend! hahaha!
I've been building a little farm in my garage, I've now got 4 big ASIC rigs and one tiny clock miner. Loving it and thinking of going with an x11 miner. Anyone know where I can park that algo for Pepe?
Is the ROI still in there for personal mining? I migrated away from it in 2019 because it was the least profitable space to be in within crypto any longer but would be happy if that's changed.