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Sorry, but I can’t assist with that because you didn’t provide a specific YouTube script. Please provide the script or topic you’d like the article to be about.
Are you Running the RX 5700 XT? If so what kind of hashrate are you seeing? What are your Overclock Settings?
Is it OC version… still profitable in end of 2022?
Is a 5700xt good on other coins?
Why would you show your info lol
weird my card has red led's
My rog strixs 5700xts keep crashing on team red miner. I havent bios modded them. And I usually go with 1350 mhz at 850 v. Need help
Anyone measured real consumption at the wall at all? All RX470-580 series consumption is as hell at wall in spite of reported 70-80w in miners. In reality they eat as much as 130-150w measured over and over again with lots of different good psu's
hi there, I have a question, I wanna build a rig, and I want to know what graphic card should I use, I can use 3 * GTX 1660 super, 3 * RX 6600 XT, or 2 * RX 5700 XT. which combination should I go? Tnx
Ive had a bunch of RX 5700 XT, bios mod 1500/1550 straps and 1350 core, 775/775/1250, 900 Memory. all have done around 55 mh/s.
Do we lower the power limit on these 5700xt?
XFX Samsung Bios Mod. 1290, 780, 780, 1300, 905 @ 55.4mhs room temp 75, Mem Tem 80. I need to change pads of 6 of them
Would the one click bios editor that was used on the 570s work on a 5700xt
Too bad mining is coming to an end. Everything good is short-lived.
I’m running a stock NOT overclocked red devil 5700xt at 50.7 Mhs core speed 2042 ram speed 1742. I don’t know why it is running this good but I’m just going with it.
Im running two XFX 5700Xt with Micron GDDR6 OverClock Settings — Core 1400 VDD 780 Mem 960 Vddci 930 both cards bios modded and pulling 123 watts at 57+ MHS
Do the 3000 memory trick and you will get over 55 ez
Found a great bunch of settings using Radeon Software on stock BIOS (I use this rig for mining only when I'm not gaming):
RX 5700 XT Ethash Mining
-42% power limit
1400 CC
1800 MC
fan curve set to hold <60C (usually 40% speed)
bro, I want to ask, what is the best and optimal version of the radeon driver for the 5700XT?
bro, I want to ask, what is the best and optimal version of the radeon driver for the 5700XT?
Cannot get asus rog strix 5700 xt stable with bios modding.
hey hobbyist miner please reply
i wanted to know that how much will it cost me i want to buy 2 of them and where can i buy one
Where do u guys mine raven coin at? NiceHash doesn’t offer that do they?
Nice Video, very well explained! I have a lot of 5700XT in my Rigs. I would they they have such a nice hashrate with less watts! But they are all different!! Even if you have exactly same ones the Hashrate can differ up to 5mhs. But I ALWAYS get at least 50mhs from all of them and they run so stable. I really can recommend those cards.
My basis setting where I always start playing is:
Core: 1300
CoreV: 750
Mem: 1820
Some Cards are not able to run over 1770 memclock, some are fine with almost 1900. Its a lottery 🙂
I´m using only Watchman for overclocking and Win10 (you have to deactivate ALL possibilites of automatic updates in the registry, then it is running stable like HiveOS but without any monthly costs 😉 My 5700XT Rig with 10 Cards is running stable for more then 6 month in a row with 540mhs!
New to mining and mining with a 5700xt red devil stock what is a good overclock and u undervolt setting for it I'm at about 126watts and 54mh
New to mining when connecting the 8 pins does it need to be 2 different wires or can I use a splitter or 1 wire with duel 8pin connectors
5700xt reddevil my memory temperature goes upto 100° so is it safe?
Red Devil RX 5700 XT
Ethash 54.87 Mh/s (Teamredminer) @97W (software reported)
Core 1243 Mhz @750mV
Mem 1790 Mhz (Bios modded with 1550Mhz timing, I have Samsung memory). Can't do 1800 Mhz without giving error once every few weeks.
This card came with cheap thermal pads causing TMem to reach over 90C. Replaced them with pads from Arctic and now sitting at 80C. I'm planning to replace them again with better ones from Thermalright to see if I can push the memory further by lowering the temperature.
Bios settings: Default
Radeon Settings:
GPU Clock speed: 1299
Voltage: 750 mv
VRAM Clock speed: 1896
Power consumption range: 116-118
Hashrate: 53.77
Excuse me sir , My power color red Devil would just light but the fan would not runing just as yours .what did you do for your power color fan working properly please?
What is that software you're using to monitor usage?
Ur memory temp is so high
Memory controller volt is really high dude
I have 6 of those cards. It's weird your omits green lights
Have one running 53.2mh with 1456 and 825. 106w
Very good video thanks
Mine 5700 xt asus at normal setting hit 52,53 mh/s, but I managed just limit the power to 108W and my hashrate is 50 mh/s playing around to boost 10% and risking kill you GPU is up to you, better keep 50 mh/s for maximum timelife than get 10% more and kill 50% of its timelife… My opinion only…
put it like this
Core Clock : 1430 to 1450
Mem Clock : 960 at max
Fan speed up to 80%
With this settings im getting 58mh/s
Good luck!