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Introducing The Heatbit: A Unique Product Combining Home Heating and Bitcoin Mining
In today’s world where digital currency is rapidly becoming the core value in different economic segments, the value and impact of Bitcoin can’t be underestimated. One emerging tech company called Heatbit is revolutionizing the way we mine Bitcoin by creating a device that not only mines Bitcoin but also heats up your space. Sounds intriguing, right?
How the Heatbit Works
The Heatbit is a groundbreaking product that brings the functionality of a heater and a Bitcoin miner into one compact device. Conventional heaters that you might purchase simply provide heat. But the Heatbit, true to its name, utilizes the heat generated from Bitcoin mining and redirects it as a source of warmth for your space.
The double functionality of the Heatbit
What sets the Heatbit apart is that underneath the shell of a heater, it’s a high-performance Bitcoin miner. But the best part is that the mining process doesn’t affect the heating functionality. In fact, it enhances it. So, while the Heatbit is heating your home, office, or any other space, it is also mining Bitcoin. It doesn’t get any better than making money while comfortably enjoying warm temperatures during a cold winter, right?
Setting Up the Heatbit
Setting up the Heatbit is incredibly straightforward. It involves plugging the unit in, turning on the power switch, and downloading the Heatbit app. The app provides clear instructions on how to proceed, and before you know it, your Heatbit is operational. Once installed, the Heatbit begins to mine Bitcoin, and you can also start adjusting the heating functionality from the immense comfort of your seat through the app.
The Unboxing Experience
Heatbit really hit the nail on the head with their presentation. Right from the unboxing, the sleek design and impressive packaging immediately indicate that you are dealing with a high-quality product. The Heatbit itself is a marvel to behold with its wood-panel finish that blends effortlessly with pretty much any décor.
The Heatbit’s Performance
In terms of performance, the Heatbit does an impressive job. It is powerful enough to heat about 170 square feet, making it perfect for smaller spaces such as basements or living rooms. Thanks to the integrated Bitcoin ASIC miner (specifically an S9), the Heatbit can mine at a rate of 14 terahashes—high performance indeed, especially considering its compact size and dual functionality.
However, it’s not just about the excellent mining performance; the Heatbit’s heating capability also delivers as promised. After only an hour of operation, it is more than capable of raising the room temperature significantly. What’s more, the Heatbit operates silently, meaning you can enjoy efficient heating and Bitcoin mining without being disturbed by noise.
Heatbit From a Home Miner’s Perspective
From the perspective of a home miner or enthusiast, the Heatbit offers lots of desirable features. It’s efficient, silent, and most importantly, it’s productive! These are qualities that you want in any cryptocurrency mining hardware. Additionally, the fact that it’s not just a miner, but also a heater adds a layer of convenience that many miners will appreciate, especially those in colder regions.
Heatbit’s Unique Features
One of the Heatbit’s unique features is its built-in app. With the Heatbit app, every aspect of the Heatbit’s operation is literally at your fingertips. You can check on the Bitcoin mining progress, adjust the heating level, and even interact with Heatbit support right inside the app. Truly, the Heatbit creators have done an impressive job in making the entire process, from setup to operation, as intuitive and effortless as possible.
Is the Heatbit Worth the Price?
Now we come to the proverbial elephant in the room: the price. The Heatbit does come with a hefty tag of $1,100. Considering the dual functionality of the device along with its impressive performance, one can argue that the cost is justifiable. However, this is a topic that is highly subjective and largely depends on individual needs, preferences, and resources.
In Conclusion
The Heatbit is a fantastic product not only for Bitcoin miners but also for anyone who wants an efficient heating solution during colder months. Thanks to its aesthetic appeal and silent operation, it can effortlessly fit into your living room or any other space, providing much-needed warmth while quietly mining Bitcoin. For those who can afford the initial investment, the Heatbit is not just a heater or a Bitcoin miner; it is an excellent combination of modern technology and practical applicability.
FYI that 14awg cord can burn down your house. Do not use this or any heater to heat a space larger then instructions say and or do not use in a room that doesn’t hold the heat. The heater should not regularly stay on for long periods of time. So many house fires are due to such issues they say is the user but I think it’s negligence on manufacturers ignorance know there’s a problem and doing nothing about it.
Can you use robinhood for the transfer?
Does it require 5g Wi-Fi or 2.5g Wi-Fi
How about a video on turning other ASICS (S19j pro 100T) into a wireless version ? Is that possible? And just be able to control it via laptop 💻?
Wow. Good concept but to leave it running all the time at 1150 watts, assuming the average of 11cents per kwh that is what looking at the a BTC calculator, it would cost approx $91.92 per month in electricity to run it 24/7.
And it'll only take 3+ years to break even.
Very cool, nice review!
As a person who is "like I heard about bitcoins" – how much bitcoin do you get say per month? I can see the need for a heater in my place…so hoping it brings in a little bit of money while doing something would be great? Even if the end result is just lowering my heating costs !!
Definitely looks cool 😎I know my old lady all-ways having these space heaters running around the house 😡so what is the year return rate would probably be?
Future video on this. BTC at 20K what is the return on investment? Also how do you know some of the BTC you are mining is not going elsewhere? The owner has has so little control. How will the heater handle summer hot temperatures? Very expensive.
Is this a $1199 S9 commercial? Am I missing something?
thats one expensive s9…… at least they put some thought into the product and software. wont buy it but def interested on how the inside looks.
Open it
Hack it
Install hiveos
I don't like how you have to wait until $20 of BTC has been mined for you to withdraw. Why should Heatbit need care how long I should wait to withdraw my BTC if I'm paying for transactions? I can understand if it is on a platform offering to pay you for free if only you complete certain tasks for free but you have to pay for this device and Heatbit get's a cut of the rewards you mined for a 5 year old product.This product seems like a very unreasonable thing to invest in by trying to get people who know nothing of BTC to buy it.
what is electric cost for you in PA , is it profitable !!
Thanks for the review. I love it and could see myself getting one. I just wish they put a better asic in there.
THM honestly I like the design of the unit but I truly don’t like the price, also you can run two L3++ get equal or better heating and covers more of the electric cost! back in the day I have over 35 S9’s solid miners but man you can pick up a true 14-15Th S9i for under $200 and a 6” AC infinity fan, silent setup under $350 get better hashrate more control for a ton less money, but yes the design of that box it’s amazing!
These are so cool!!
I like it! Personally, i am currently using 3 S9s to heat my 1200 square foot house. This has been keeping it comfy down to 20F so far. I have additional units that I can use if I need to, but I don't think it will get cold enough for that, unless they become profitable. In that case, I'll open a window and run them all.
What I see in this is that you can have a sha256 (bitcoin and some alt coins) miner running and the house and get your wife's approval. That's a win win, for sure. As for profits, it will give you a few bucks back on that big electric bill, but that's about it. Still, for most people this will be the first space heater to give back some of your power bill.
Great video, the Heatbit looks really nice!👍
Thats the point: profitability. When i use this i save "bill cost" aroud 20% today, (btc price vs el.) But my el. goes up just now like +200% from govermant😀 so thank you, i dont want heating with el. 😀
Looks cool, +1 for advanced mode ❤
They figured out what to do with all the s9's in the world..
I would be interested if the product allowed to solomine in a heatbit pool. And if, as long as your HeatBit was running we would all split the profits. That's seams viable.
You can get an Antminer S9j for $300 used on ebay…
At the very least I'm heating my home with the chance of making some money spec mining.
but seriously, why do you need so much heat in your basement? what are you going to do in the summer with it?
Why not open it? I wonder how they made it so quite
Well, 1100 W is 1100 W, so it's easy to estimate the heat. For a medium sized room, it's okay
LOL, it's come down to this… if we need to keep this theme going since mining is so garbage right now, we'll need an Air Conditioning miner for the summer months.
1.4KW😮 Basically anything that has that much wattage would produce heat.
my man
See if you could run a btc node and solo mine btc. Imagine hitting a block with a heater
I've been using my GPU miners to heat my house in winter for years!
Thanks for the review!! Seems like a great product, I just need the wife's seal of approval like you and I may get one. I am still on the fence some though. We need a heater for upstairs in my sons area of the house and this would be way better than any space heater.
Definitely cool looking, but pricey.
I really want to see inside 😁
shurely better than any dyson heater, they costs about the same price but with this you are not spending on electricity to power it
Awesome I've been debating whether to order one of these since it came out but no one had any reviews so I decided to wait. Thanks for the video.
Mother-in-law doesn't like RGB fans on a open air rig? I don't see the point of this device at all, but it is a very interesting concept. Why not just setup your bit mining cannon in the other end of the basement? Seems more logical to me.
And yes, of course you have to take that thing apart… 🙃
I wonder if they bought a bunch of used S9's and just repurposed the hash boards?
Mother in law will be the final test! Is she warm enough?
Nice Idea but in germany you pay 30 up to 50 Cent per kw/h.. it will make you bankrupt 😀
Overpriced and not efficient at all but cool looking. They should offer empty boxes so we can customize them ourselves.
For what it is they did as good a job as one could expect for such a device. It serves a couple of different, yet specific functions and looks good doing so. IMO this is a step or two ahead of the USB ASIC lottery devices. Great in the winter time, but does it become a burden in the summer, or does it get treated he same as the other ASICs ?
Thank you for sharing Hubbyist!
I want to know whats in there too. It would be nice if it could… it could be…! 📲
Very Cool Video – (Hot Actually) love to see new gadgets like this – Thanks – Hmmm.. maybe I should put some wood veneer around a GPU Rig so it has that furniture look