“Bitcoin ASIC Hosting: Exploring the Future of Cryptocurrency Mining”

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Bitcoin Mining at Level 10: Luxor’s New Asic Firmware

Welcome back to the Hobbyist Miner channel! Over the past 6-8 weeks, I had the pleasure of testing out Luxor’s brand new Asic firmware on my S19j Pro, and I must say, it’s pretty impressive. In today’s article, you’ll learn how to install and optimize your Asic with Luxor firmware and some of its standout features.

Exploration of the S19j Pro

Before we dive into the firmware, let’s take a quick tour of my crypto mining shed and show you the S19j Pro in action. The entire shed has its dedicated airflow system, which is hooded and filtered, ensuring no heat is wasted. With only one exhaust fan running, it can maintain optimal temperatures during different seasons.

The intake filter box and temperature probe help control an AC Infinity inline fan capable of achieving up to 800 CFM at its top speed of 10. This fan is connected to a custom shroud system that replaces the standard S19j Pro fans, providing better airflow efficiency and temperature control for the miner.

In its current configuration, the S19j Pro is running on stock Bitmain firmware, reaching 100 terahashes. At 3,015 watts, it consumes a decent amount of power. However, this number can be reduced with Luxor firmware.

Installing Luxor Firmware

To install Luxor firmware, head over to luxor.tech and navigate to the Firmware section. Here, you can download the firmware for your specific Asic model, such as the S19j Pro or S19 XP. After downloading the firmware, you’ll need a tool such as Balena Etcher to flash it onto an SD card.

Once you’ve flashed the firmware onto an 8GB SD card, insert the SD card into the SD card slot on your S19j Pro. Turn on your Asic, and after a few minutes, you should see the Luxor firmware dashboard on your device.

Firmware Features and Pool Setup

One standout feature of Luxor firmware is its sleek, dark-mode interface, making it easy on the eyes while working on your miner. To set up your pool, Luxor offers its pool service with waived fees for those using their firmware. After adding your pool and worker information, you’re all set.

A unique feature of Luxor’s firmware for pool management is the ability to create groups of pools. This allows you to split your Asic’s hashrate between different pools, opening up possibilities for selling or renting parts of your miner’s capacity.

Optimizing Your Asic with Luxor Firmware

With Luxor firmware installed, your miner should see a significant reduction in power usage. For example, my S19j Pro consumes 162 watts less than with the stock firmware at the same hash rate, resulting in increased profit.

Luxor firmware also offers preset profiles that allow you to adjust your miner’s performance according to your needs. If you’re looking to optimize hash rate and power consumption, you can choose a combination of voltage and megahertz that best suits your situation.

Additionally, Luxor firmware provides detailed statistics on each hashboard and fan control settings. The built-in log management feature helps troubleshoot system failures and other issues.

Automatic Updates and Final Thoughts

Luxor firmware also allows for automatic updates, ensuring your miner always runs on the latest version without having to manually download and update. This feature is a game-changer for those who like to stay up-to-date with the latest optimizations and improvements.

Overall, Luxor’s new Asic firmware offers a fantastic solution for home miners and enthusiasts who love to tinker. Its features and optimizations can significantly increase your miner’s profit, keeping it running at its peak performance. So if you’ve been looking for a way to take your Bitcoin mining to level 10, Luxor firmware may be the answer you’ve been searching for.

If you have any questions or need further clarification about Luxor firmware, feel free to leave them in the comments section below, and I’ll do my best to answer them or reach out to the Luxor team for assistance. Happy mining!

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About the Author: Mike Izzo


  1. I have a 104T w Xlinix & Luxor firmware. It shows 130T @ 3.4kw but at the pool side I never avg more than 105T it went down to 95T so I changed from F2Pool to Luxor & same thing still can’t pass 95t pool side but on firmware says 24H 121T

  2. Yo! Nice video. Did u try any other settings? I want to adjust to increase/decrease heat in my home. How low kW/H did u get? and what about the Th output. Would love to see a bigger spreadsheet. Again thanks for showing this 🙂

  3. When using LUX on a MICRO SD (not sd @the hobbyist miner 😉 ) when you remove the MicroSD does the firmware revert back to Bitmain FW? can this be used on ASICs w stubborn to remove FW is we use the MicroSD wIthout having to remove the old firmware???

  4. Cool video. I have not tried this Luxos yet, but def want to give it a try. I currently use Braiins for my farm, and I like that you can set power or hashrate targets. It will tune the boards based on these targets. However, these presets seem to be pretty close to what my targets would be. I look forward to giving this a try on a few machines with the Xilinx board. Note: It will not work with BeagleBone or Amlogic control boards.

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