Table of Contents
About The Event
Last Saturday, I had the privilege of attending an event in Washington DC hosted by Loot Tech. This was an unveiling event where they showcased their latest addition to the hardware mining industry. In my perspective, this event had two significant purposes: brand exposure and brand legitimacy.
The team at Loot Tech masterfully organized the event which was held in this phenomenal office space equipped with an urban feel of pool tables, foosball tables, and a bar top area. This intimate gathering was a unique experience with less than 15 attendees, primarily YouTubers including myself and other influencers like Tech Hustler, Crypto Mining Insider, Chump Change XD, Geek of All Trades, Serpent XTech, DJ Mines, and Mark from Coastal Crypto Mining.
The Main Attraction
But why were we all there? To test this endearing and fascinating custom-built board—the centerpiece of the event. Encased in a 3D printed box with my logo on it, was none other than a proof of concept board. This board consisted of a single chip from a total of 256 that would eventually comprise Loot Tech’s much-hyped Hash Blade.
We had the liberty to play around with this miniature minor, secreted away within a USB device, for over an hour. This device could be connected to a laptop, and you could launch an executable, provide your pool, address, username and password information and hit start. The miner within this magical box was an exclusive creation by Loot Tech, named after the legendary weapon from Norse mythology–The Stormbreaker.
From Speculation to Validation
Loot Tech staked their legitimacy on this board, and the chip it contained. All event attendees had the opportunity to test it, dissect it and ask innumerable questions about it. Many doubted the efficiency of Hash Blade, but after seeing this chip’s performance, those doubts vanished.
Meeting the Magician
In the final half-hour of the event, we had a zoom meeting with the ASICS designer: the magical wizard behind this super-efficient creation. To maintain his privacy, his identity remained anonymous.
Highlights from the Event
What’s surprising about the Hash Blade chip is its cooling feature. Or rather its lack of it. We learned that this chip doesn’t need any thermal paste, putty, fans, or cooling sink because its unique layout effectively disperses heat over the 256 chips.
Furthermore, Loot Tech mentioned that the chip technology can be tailored to other applications including AI, opening up possibilities beyond script mining.
The company is currently accepting pre-orders for Hash Blade with an expected delivery in the late 2022 or earlier 2023.
My Take on Loot Tech’s Hardware
Being a miner and content creator, I’d say the event achieved its objectives of brand exposure and brand legitimacy. The whole experience—getting to test the device, asking and answering questions—the Hash Blade lived up to its hype. However, the real test is when I get to test the Hash Blade in my own controlled environment.
I’m excited about the potential of this device. If it follows through on its promises, the hash Blade could be a game-changer for the mining industry. Its significantly lower power consumption could reduce the overhead costs for miners drastically. But as of now, the performance-to-cost ratio is a little high, and I’ll reserve my final verdict until I get to test the full Hash Blade device.
The Road Ahead
While Loot Tech’s proof of concept holds promise, the industry’s future remains to be seen. For now, it brought an exciting new perspective to the table. The future of this technology and its impact on the mining and AI industry could hold many surprises—we’ll just have to wait and see. The Hash Blade is still in its infant stages, but with the right nurturing, there’s a good chance that it may completely rewrite the rules.
Looking forward to sharing more about the Hash Blade with you all as new developments occur. Until then, take care!
For my Math People Out There …. We Tested 1 Tile. There will be 256 Tiles per ASIC, there will be 128 ASICS per Hashblade. So in total 32,768 Tiles that we tested in the video.
You are wasting your time
the way you explain is its Sound Like FPGA to me its not ASic its FPGA again it will all depends on Devs to Keep the hardwere UP
Excellent video on the new product!
Next scam
What coins does it mine?
damn man im all in until I heard $2k….kinda steep but we shall see
Dude, stop with the $hitcoins already, please!
Lol $2k… $4k for an L7
Thanks bud for keepin us financially Educated! Regardless of how bad it gets on the economy, I still make over $45,000 every single week.
maybe at 800 dollars it would be good but 2k no way for me. with the hashrate going up after… it will be hard.
Do they still have a service fee in their business model? It used to be 33% in their investor pitch deck.
This is one FOMO Im not going to regret passing on. After all the hype, all the claims and they still cant display a full version of what they promise. Just a tiny proof of concept board? More red flags. And for 2k its not worth the risk.
looks like people are doing the math at TH/s not GH/s
that is terrible efficiency 1.9968 GH/s = .0019968 TH/s
LOKOTECH 1.9968 GH/s @ 145 watts 2000$ that is only """" .0019968 TH/s""""
OLD ass s9 1.2 TH/s @ 157 watts 100$ with one board running and only one of three power supply wires connected to the hashboard.
I hoped this blade was about the price of a high end gpu… 2k is ridicoulos for markets like germany at 0.3 ct/kWh, ROI 4+ years…
man imagine 8x = 15GH at just 1,160w 🤯
but with the $16k 😂😭
Would it run under HiveOS or would you need to build a desktop GUI version of Ubuntu? Also, 475 H/s * 255 chips = 121 KH/s, not 2GH/s. Wondering how that works out? At the advertized wattage, you could run 40 (80Gh) of these hashblades on a 30A circuit (30A * 80% * 240V / 145W = 40)
2000.00 a pop is a bit high
I was apart of the presale, they want almost 2k for a Lokotech hashblade. In my opinion that's a complete ripoff, I was ready to purchase 10 and after seeing the price for one and what it's power and efficiency is it's just insane I'm just so upset on the price
It sounds really cool. 2k per board at current prices/difficulty if it was in hand today would be 2+ years roi at 14c per kw. I would have loved to see the price lower per board. Plus the hashrate would skyrocket putting the roi a bit further. Probably out of my reach.
Let's do it @hobbyistminer we have to talk again
looks great i would buy one.
What are your thoughts on the Lokotech Hashblade? Hashrate? Watts? Can run with a Riser or GPU Mining Server Case?