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What’s Up Miners? Welcome to the Hobbyist Miner Channel
Today, we’re going to dive straight into discussing heat issues related to grow tent, a critical aspect for your mining rig. But before that, let’s take a moment to enjoy the arrival of a surprise package from none other than Chump Change XD. Yes, my interaction with Chump Change, from the streets to YouTube, has been a pleasant journey filled with unexpected surprises.
Unboxing Surprises from Chump Change
The anticipation of opening this package, not knowing what lay inside, was thrilling. A box filled with hangers might not excite you, but each hanger boasted the Hobbyist Miner logo, hinting at some intriguing new developments. They were not just mere hangers; these were thicker versions, potentially an upgrade from the conventional hangers that you usually see.
The Joy of giving back
Unboxing the package had another pleasant surprise, an H110 Pro. This unexpected gift makes me wonder what I would send in return to match this level of generosity, leading to the development of a friendly tussle between Chum Change and me, revolving around the concept of reciprocation.
Grow Tent Discussion: The Hot Topic
Heat issues are a significant constraining factor in managing your crypto-mining rig. When assessing our existing frame setup, we are currently mining Ravencoin using 10 GPUs, primarily RX470s, with one RX570. A quick glance at the overclock settings indicates 1050 for DPM, VDD at 8.75 (any higher leads to overheating), and 950 for the memory.
Addressing Mining Rig Concerns
During regular system checks, I noticed that one of the RX470’s memory wasn’t showing correct readings for the rig. These anomalies demanded deeper exploration, leading me to disassemble the GPU card to inspect the fan. The fan replacement process was surprisingly effortless.
Addressing the Grow Tent Heat Issue
Moving onto the more grave issue at hand – our grow tent and its unbearable heat profile. After observation and analysis, I discovered some areas within the tent had a higher temperature than others, making them apparent ‘hot spots’. Deviating from the conventional practice of making assumptions, I decided to do some heat mapping for the tent.
The Crucial Role of Heat Mapping
After a thorough heat mapping, I recorded considerable temperature drops at various levels of the grow tent, thanks to the GoVi Thermo Hydrometer. At the lowest level, temperatures usually stay around 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit thanks to the three 6-inch intakes.
At the middle level, temperatures rise slightly to around 95 degrees. As we move further up, the level just above the cards reads a temperature of 104 degrees when usually it’s at about 100 degrees. At the very top, temperatures shoot up to 108 degrees.
Interrupting the natural air circulation of the grow tent with a box fan on low resulted in a significant temperature drop, reducing it from 110 to a more bearable mid-90 degrees.
How the Placement of GPUs Affects Airflow
The Sapphire Nitros, specifically, present an interesting scenario. The Sapphire Nitros produce heat that is directed downwards. Without a box fan in place, hot air tends to pocket beneath the GPUs, recirculating heat back into the GPUs thus impacting performance negatively. With the introduction of a box fan, this feedback heat is pushed upwards, making the air around the GPUs notably cooler.
A Box Fan – A Simple Solution
Adding a box fan at the lowest level of the grove tent has resolved many issues. This fan disrupts the pocketing of air around the cards, pushing it upwards to cool it, enhancing the overall productivity and efficiency of the grow tent.
In a nutshell, an efficient strategy is to use heat mapping and avoid disrupting natural air circulation within the grow tent. A simple low-speed box fan may suffice in slicing through the high-temperature pockets. Temporarily moving the power supplies to the top might also be a viable solution.
Heat managing is tricky, and sometimes even the simplest solutions can be the most effective. The key to managing these dynamics lies in being practical and smart about heat mapping. It’s also important to monitor the system regularly and adjust the setup as needed, keeping in mind the delicate balance of heat within the system.
If you have questions, feel free to join the Discord channel dedicated specifically to grow tents. The mining community is eager to help each other troubleshoot their rigs, solve heat issues and improve the overall efficiency. Besides, it brings together a community of like-minded enthusiasts, fostering better learning and growth.
And remember, a miner’s best friend is a well-managed and efficient mining rig, and understanding heat dynamics plays a vital role in achieving this. Happy mining!
This video was a blast to record. Always fun to dig into a project like this. Whats your grow tent look like from a heat perspective? How about your layout? Where are your GPUS, where are your PSUS?
That is still hot lol
I have 8 in exhaust and intake.
I'm new to mining. But I found by double spacing the gpus. IT makes a big difference..I put my gpus at the bottom by the intake. Heat raises to the top.
to be honest with you i spoken with a few specialist on these cooling room situation. If grow tent is a room a small one, you need exhaust but your intake should be stronger then the exhaust thats what they say! i have 8 inch Exhaust and no intake fan, but now i also put 6 inch intake as the negative presure is not very good apparently it stops the heat leaving the small room ( which is your tent). Interesting but could be worth to try i am going to try soon . my tent is full of server cases. with nearly 50 gpu.
Put tha motherbord on the right side , vertical, better airflow
Looks Great lots of room.
Y not u flip over the nitro card if it blow air down? So the card it self push air up.
I have 24gpu in same size tent, all on stacked veddha frames, I have 1 8” exhaust, 1 6” exhaust and 1 6” intake. Your new 8” will make a huge difference
Yea.Nice..Hey..Try to mine in South Florida where we have 95-120F on 75-98%RH outdoor..I had to build geo Earth tubes closed loop and additional water loop to cool the miner and keep GPU chip temps around 60C.Because you can't let that high humid air inside of your house and it's hard to get rid of heat if outside is hell of a heat…lol The temperature may not be issue, but the humidity is a huge problem, it would literally destroy miner in few weeks, if you let that 80-90% RH air to the rig…
I've heard of this ChumpChangeXD character before… I bet that's not even his real name…. 😉
great video and ill take some of those fan clips lol
im not sure about blowing hard with the box fan if you could mix the air 100% perfect the average would be lower then where your cards are sitting
Rules for grow tent mining. 1. Do not use a grow tent for mining 2. If you have already violated rule 1, then take out your GPUs and give away (or store) your grow tent. GPUs need way more CFM movement and you can't get it in a grow tent. My same size rigs use 4K CFM of movement.
@The Hobbyist Miner why don't you try the intake at top… yes the top and exhaust at the bottom? I'd seriously love you to try that. See what the temps are in the tent then.
Why don't you move the second shelf, that the cards are hanging from down. Then mount the cards upside down, above the shelf?
Nice video, the heatmapping looked really slick
Now you need to get one of those smoke vapor tests for detecting vacuum leaks on cars etc. basically you can feed the colored smoke into the intake and see the actual patterns of the air and where it goes and look for areas where it’s curling back down or generally getting stalled etc. would be also make a really fun video!!!
What size of rack fits in that tent? I didn’t spot it right away in your parts link list.
I assume it’s an Amazon basics?
QUESTION about the power meter that miners seem to be using… specifically the digital one that is in the wall with the outlet. I have seen these on Amazon & recently ordered one. Here is my question. Isn't anyone concerned that this electrical appliance is NOT UL (Underwriters Labs) listed? It's being connected to 220 or 110 AC & it's NOT tested/marked/listed. This might raise an issue with your insurance company should there be a fire. Just thinking out loud as someone that has been involved with testing & listing of things with UL, FM, etc.
Might want to look into going up to 8" out-let with a higher cfm blower.
Why use grow tent in the first place? 🙂
Nice man, those thermometers show up as 20$ each where I am at tho. Crazy expensive
Horizonal mounting GPUS will solve your problem. I never had good luck with hanging GPUs in a grow tent.
Haha Don't Send ANYTHING BACK! Congrats on 20K my man! Keep it up!
you know, i could build you a raspberry pi with 20 or so DS18B20's connected to it, you could put them anywhere in your tent for contenous temp monitoring with temp graphs and Text and email alerts.. could even make it kick on additional fans when a threashold is hit.. just saying.. contract a raspberry pi engineer and you could do much automation, instead of those cheapo temp sensors. you can also sense temp's right off of the motherboards and video cards with the linux OS you are using also.
man, if you only knew how to grow in those. i set my 14 rig up in one for shiz n giggles i get 75-80 on top and even air flow, if u are getting build up. your doin it wrong
I feel like if you spread out your intake with aluminum ducts it would do a lot to prevent the hot air from circulating.
Also right now you have a pocket of cool air on the bottom, whereas you want a pocket of hot air on the top. Why not move the gpus down to the bottom and let the hot air be removed without any obstacles creating turbulence and more pockets of hot air?
The placement of the gpus and the exhaust fans play a big role for the airflow and heat extraction. 👍🏻
on hiveos there is an option to update. Should I update?
Wish I could buy a single gpu
I'm telling you, all you need is another inline fan as exhaust.
Great Vid!
The server PSUs at the top is a smart idea!
But everthing in the tent lower! So it sits in the cooler levels.
And make a duct ( using a pipe or some cardboard) from the exhaust fans of the power supplies to the exhaust fans of the tent, so the hot air is directly sucked away!
Thanks for the video. Just entering warmer months down her in Aus, got some tents and fans ordered.
hey hobbyiest