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Adapting Crypto Mining Operations to the Winter Season
As the scattered flurries kick-started the winter season in Pennsylvania, the attention immediately shifted towards one of the most intriguing and under-explored aspects of cryptocurrencies – crypto mining. With the substantial amount of heat generated by mining rigs, there were concerns regarding the adaptability of these components during this weather extremity. This concern sparked a curiosity, leading a visit to a crypto mining shed to comprehend the impact and evaluate the adjusting measures taken to cope with this freezing scenario.
Keeping The Vents Open and Controlling Moisture
On the face of it, the crypto mining shed maintained an impressively ingenious adaptation to the sudden snowfall. On our intake side, it was noted that six of the total vents were left open. This measure, though seemingly paradoxical in the cold weather, serves an essential function. It ensures a smooth airflow that further aids in temperature regulation inside the shed. However, given the snowy weather outside, the bottom three vents were closed. This precaution was necessary to prevent the snow from invading the space and adding unnecessary moisture, detrimental to the functioning of the mining rigs.
Monitoring and Adjusting the Internal Temperature
One of the intriguing factors noted during the visit was the internal temperature of the shed. Surprisingly, on the intake side, the temperature recorded was 51 degrees Fahrenheit, not typically matching the below 30 temperatures outside. This level of warmth could be attributed to the manually adjusted exhaust fan. It was deliberately tuned down to permit a significant amount of warm air, generated by the running systems, to recirculate within the shed.
The Need for Maintaining Optimal Temperature
The reason for preventing the shed’s internal temperature from dropping drastically and mimicking the freezing temperatures outside was simple – the survival of the crypto mining rigs. Weather extremities can significantly affect the performance and durability of these machines. It is vital to maintain an optimum temperature that supports their functioning and prevents them from freezing due to the harsh weather outside.
To Avoid Freezing:
The exhaust side was methodically equipped with a total of four T16 AC Infinity exhaust fans. However, only one of them was kept operative at a regulated speed of three. This setting allowed the systemically generated heat to build up within the shed rather than letting it escape.
For Optimal Temperature:
This built-up heat, coupled with the circulation of the warm air, resulted in the creation of a more compatible and favorable micro-environment for the crypto mining rigs. This ideal scenario ensured the machines’ optimal functioning, maintaining their performance and preventing any potential weather-induced damage.
Maintaining the Shed’s Delta
Such meticulous and calculated adjustments resulted in a seven degree delta on the exhaust side. This delta measured the difference between the shed’s internal and external temperatures – an important aspect to consider ensuring the optimal functioning of crypto mining rigs in harsh weather conditions.
As such, despite the sudden snowfall and the subsequent drop in temperature in Pennsylvania, it was intriguing to observe how crypto mining operations quickly adapted to these changes. It only speaks of the larger adaptability and resilience of the cryptocurrency world and its stakeholders as they work meticulously to overcome challenges and ensure smooth functioning, come rain, shine, or snow.
AC Infinity Cooling Shutter Fans and Inline Fans from Today's Video:
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Any plans to go solar and/or wind? Your mining shed is awesome
Good setup, nice.
also like derka181 said, rigs wont freeze, they love cold. electronics run better on very cold temps.
Yawn yawn yawn.
I don't think they will freeze. It's minus 20 in Canada and my miners and loving it .
Ugh snow! lol Looking good in the shed Hobbyist!
disgusting lol