Profitability Concerns for Bitcoin Miners in Today’s Market

bitcoin miner

Introduction to the Bitmain Antminer E9 Pro

If you are into cryptocurrency mining, then you must have heard of Bitmain and its product offerings. One of their latest mining rigs is the Bitmain Antminer E9 Pro. It’s a beast of a machine with specs that have been designed to make your mining operations efficient and profitable. This article will detail the key features, performance and my personal experience with this powerful mining rig.

Antminer E9 Pro Appearance and Build

When I first got the Antminer E9 Pro, I was taken aback by its size, weight and the sheer power it houses. It looks like two A6s combined into one mining rig. Its hash boards must be massive to go the full length of this machine. However, it’s not just about size; it has your SD card slot for firmware updates, third-party firmware IP, report button and an Ethernet port.

Performance and Power Supply

The Antminer E9 Pro uses 2200 Watts, providing substantial power to perform efficient and profitable mining operations. Despite the power output, it surprisingly doesn’t run hot, thanks to the traditional intake cables for the fans located at the front of the rig.

Controlboard and Hash boards

This mining rig features a control board and hash boards but not much else. Nevertheless, these few parts are what make the Antminer E9 Pro such an effective mining rig. It is not complicated and does not come with a lot of parts.

Testing the Antminer E9 Pro Performance

After setting up the Antminer E9 Pro, I decided to test its performance. It did not disappoint. It outperformed my expectations, and in some cases, I saw the miner’s hashrate peak beyond its advertised rate of 3.8 gigahash.

The Antminer E9 Pro was designed to mine Ethereum Classic using the ETC hash algorithm. However, I decided to test the waters with solo mining. Many miners stick to pool mining, but I wanted to see what solo mining with this unit could do.

My Solo Mining Experience

I have to be honest, it’s a gamble. By solo mining, I forfeited a guaranteed daily profit from pool mining, but the reward of hitting a block solo could be a lot higher. After 24 hours of operation, I hadn’t hit a block yet, but the miner was averaging higher than advertised, peaking at 3.97 gigahash.

Power Consumption

In terms of power consumption, the Antminer E9 Pro is surprisingly efficient. Despite its massive power output, it uses less than the advertised 2200 Watts, which translates to savings for miners.


In my opinion, the Bitmain Antminer E9 Pro is worth every penny. Its power and efficiency alone justify the investment. Plus, it can hold its own in a solo mining environment. As I continue to mine with the unit, I’m excited to update you on its performance and my earnings.


For miners looking to explore beyond Ethereum Classic, the Antminer E9 Pro can also be combined with unminable to mine any altcoins. With a hash rate of 3.8 gigahash, the machine could earn a substantial amount of altcoins.

Helpful Resources

If you are interested in purchasing a Bitmain Antminer E9 Pro or exploring other ASIC miners, I would recommend visiting Coin Mining Central. They offer a vast range of ASIC miners, and you can get a $120 discount using the code: The hobbyist Miner.

For those in the early stages searching for a profitable ASIC Miner, mine can be a helpful resource. Their massive ASIC database houses everything a miner could possibly need, including hash rate, power consumption, algorithm compatibility, vendor pricing, mining pool recommendations, daily profitability, and more.

In conclusion, the Bitmain Antminer E9 Pro is an excellent mining rig that offers impressive performance and potential returns. The size of the rig and its power output might be daunting, but once you get it up and running, it’s a smooth ride into profitable mining. Whether you choose to go with pool mining or test your luck with solo mining, this machine can handle it.

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About the Author: Mike Izzo


  1. the only reason your wattage and amps are less is because your voltage is so high which is bad ass! Lucky you!
    for example my house avg is 230V so it would be consuming 9.13A if you have 230V.

  2. i was going to tell u to mine solo until u said that 😂
    idk but from all the coins i mined solo ETC for some reason is the best one
    last two weeks i was mining "and still" solo on ETC with the X4-1U and i found block ! in less than week
    so if am gonna guess , you will find 2blocks every week 🤔

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