Exploring the Intricacies: A Comprehensive Mining Farm Tour

mining farm tour

Investing in Crypto Mining: A Comprehensive Review of the Ultimate GPU Mining Rig

Ever wondered what it would be like to build the most efficient GPU mining rig? In today’s article, we delve into a detailed review of the mining hardware we recently purchased. If you’re interested in crypto mining, you’re in for a great read.

Today’s Hardware Sponsor: Gpurizers.com

We are pleased to have gpurizers.com as our video sponsor. They are renowned for their top-quality mining hardware in the industry. Their user-friendly website gpurizers.com is a one-stop shop where you can find risers, splitters, their new 12 GPU white mining frame, thermal pads, white LED 120 millimeter fans, and mining solid-state drives.

A Peek into Our Most Efficient Mining Rig Yet

We’re thrilled to give you a glimpse of the mining hardware we procured to build our most efficient mining rig yet. We believe in transparency. So, we’ll provide you with a rolling total for our investments in this mining rig. This way, you know the costs and the risks involved as you set out to explore the crypto mining space.

Let’s dig deeper into our mining hardware.

In-Depth Review of the Mining Hardware

Our 12 GPU mining rig is a collection of carefully selected parts. We have a total of nine RX 6600s from a variety of brands and three of the 6600 XT’s. They are known for their efficiency in power consumption. The 6600s uses roughly around 50 watts at the wall, and the 1600 XT’s are just shy of 60, although this may differ based on the brand and model.

Our supporting hardware includes the ASRock H110 Pro BTC mining motherboard and a 1000G plus EVGA Supernova, an 80 plus gold power supply. Together, these parts will consume about 600 watts, leaving a 200-watt margin for other components on the mining rig while satisfying the 80/20 rule.

All about The GPU Risers

We got a fantastic sponsorship package from gpu risers. This includes the gpurisers.com white frame, which we will use to hold our GPUs. The frame’s black-on-white design is visually appealing.

They provided us with their eight-capacitor GPU risers, which come with the PCI adapter and USB cable. We will also be using eight of their 120 millimeter fans, these have the unique feature of using molex, allowing for power daisy chaining.

A Package Complete With SSDs, Splitters, and Thermal Pads

With GPU risers’ 64 gigabyte solid-state drives, we are certain of optimal performance in our crypto mining. We’ll also use their splitters that come stamped with the GPU risers’ logo. These will come in handy when power needs to be separated for the GPUs and the GPU risers.

Some of the GPUs have heating issues due to poor quality thermal pads. However, GPU risers came through for us with their new thermal pads. We may consider installing these on such GPUs.

Our Expectations and Predictions

This mining rig, composed of all these high-performance components, is expected to achieve around 360 mega hashes. The total power consumption should be around 630 watts.

In the coming weeks, we plan to unbox these components, assemble the rig, and test its performance. We’ll share the full overclocks and under volts for all 12 GPUs. Then we’ll examine the rig’s profitability over two weeks and after 30 days. This will help you make an informed decision if you’re considering buying and building a similar setup.

Wrapping up

That sums up our review of the GPU mining rig. A big shout-out to gpurisers.com for their sponsorship. We recommend that you check out their quality products on their website. Use the code “the hobbyist miner” to get a substantial discount on your purchases.

If you enjoyed this article, share your thoughts, give us a thumbs up, and don’t forget to subscribe. Until next time, take care.

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About the Author: Mike Izzo


  1. $7251.62 in hardware cost for 12x 6600s with approx. 30 Mh/s each so 360 Mh/s total and roughly $20/Mh. So ROI if you mine ETH (before 2.0 lands) is 550-650 days depending on electricity and pool costs. Maybe I am thinking of a really old video, but didn't you say that your strategy was to ROI cards in less than a year? Maybe I am misremembering or missing something. Are you betting on a lengthy 2.0 delay or do you have plans to mine something else after 2.0?

  2. Greetings,
    A question: Is it possible to program in the mining code lines for a machine (either GPU or ASIC) to mine for example:
    – X (example -95% )of mining power at a specific address
    – Y (only example – 5%) remaining at another address ?

  3. have an asrock, pulse and xfx 6600
    all perform the same and cool the same within margin of error – the pulse is tiny which can be useful.

    Cant see a need to change thermal pads on the gigabyte, its a huge 3 fan cooler on a super low TDP card

  4. I feel those who would allow the market dynamism to determine when to trade or not are either new in space in general or probably just naïve, the sphere have seen times than this, enlightened traders continue to make good use of the dip and pump even acquiring more equities towards trading sessions, I'd say that more emphasis should be put into trading since it is way profitable than holding. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 10 BTC when I started at 2.5 BTC in just few weeks implementing trades with signals and insights from Jason Noah,i would advise y'all to trade your asset rather than hold for a future you aren't sure about. You can reach Jason Noah on ͲeIєɠɾαm 👉Jasoncoin01

  5. As someone mining in an expensive electrical cost area, I really appreciate this content. Looking forward to seeing the hash per watt values in the next video.

  6. It’s always hard to start mining. I bought all of my gpus in may last year paid a pretty penny but paid it off in 3 months. Now I have that to leverage more cards and pay them off with the whole farm. It’s the start that’s hard and now wouldn’t be the best time imo. I’d wait

  7. Great video! I currently have half of your current rig running on an EVGA 1000watt Gold PSU and I dont understand how to power more 6600 cards… Power supply has 6x 8-pin SATA outlets, each split to one card and one riser. Any advice would be appreciated =)

  8. 600W's consumed by 12 GPUs ? — I'm guessing you using actual wattage ? — You are not using TDP to measure ? — TechPowerUp says 6600 TDP is around 132W — 6600's power usage runs about 50-60 watts from what I've seen.

  9. Are there other alternatives to the H110 btc pro? They're selling for absurd money everywhere I look. I've seen some direct usb connection motherboards, but unsure if those are decent

  10. I prefer using server PSU with paralell miner breakout. this evga psu only haas 6 pcie outputs? so a lot of splitters for sure to power risers and cards

  11. Im just not a fan of "GPU risers" brand. Anyone who does research on parts, knows it might be okay quality but it's all over priced stuff. And they pay all the YouTubers to sponser them. Spend less on better quality on Amazon.

  12. What do you all do about electric surge from storms?! I've never heard anyone comment on it! Big storms rolled thru this morning for me thinking!

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