how much ada has this antminer
l3 plus mined us let's find out good morning everyone Rabid Mining here hit
that SUBSCRIBE button BELL notification as well as THUMBS UP because today we are looking
at the antminer l3 plus as you know a few weeks ago we did throw this thing on the cardano
network to mine us some ada so we're gonna look at some profits and see how this thing is
actually doing before everyone does get in an uproar this thing is not literally on the cardano
network but is more of a profit switching pool called pro hashing now this is currently running
high of os firmware so hive on firmware it does make it free to use for as many asics as you
want and instead of running at the 800 watts that it is uh by default supposed to run out
we are only running 660 watts while running the script algorithm coins by script algorithm i
do mean that's your dogecoin that's your litecoin that's your digibyte on a few other coins that
are on the network so we're on pro hashing we are mining every coin in the script out of the
algorithm and it is paying us out in ada tokens enough beating around the bush let's look at some
profits and see what this thing is making us okay guys so here we are in our pro hashing dashboard
and this is where all the magic happens as you can see right now it is currently mining digibyte
this will tell you what algorithm you're currently on based on profit switching that the pool thinks
is the most profitable at the time so like i said litecoin and all sorts of different coins i'll go
through them right quick we should be able to see them so we go to mining here here you can see
we're merge mining all sorts of coins so here's a moon coin moon to the moon i suppose so here we
got the moon coin uh litecoin we're mining here we got some dogecoin happening a bunch of did you buy
i see digibyte usually becoming the most common so maybe you just mind that directly i don't know but
look we got some emerald happening did you bite we got some floor and coin so these are all the
coins that are on the script based algorithm and it mines them through pro hashing merge mining and
then it pays you out in whatever you want to get paid out and we kind of went through this before
but we're going to go right through it right quick so previously i was getting litecoin i have it set
at zero percent now we're getting cardano which is the ada is the coin on the network we have it set
out a hundred percent now we can add a whole bunch of payout options we can get paid in pretty much
anything that we want like look at this absolute whatever that is who knows that's we could spec
mine that spec mind the crap out of that thing we got callisto here we got uh what is this komodo
coin and nxt like pretty much every coin there is is right here so we got all sorts of stuff we can
pick and we are currently doing ada so we're gonna take a look at some profits and see exactly
what it is looking like here so here is our actual profit screen here our total balance is
currently sitting at seven dollars and sixty two cents usd ever since we first turned this on to
pro hashing we've have we've made 422 usd i'm not sure the dates we'll do a total uh video on how
much this thing has made us in x amount of time when i actually get down to some numbers this is
just looking at ada so far so here's what we just got paid out by the looks of things it was this
morning we got 34.8188 if i just slam that right into coingetco here you can see cardano 88 34.81
works out to be 72.75 so that's not too too bad if ada hits a nice pump or some who knows a couple
weeks what if it goes times two we're looking at like 144 or so so not too too bad but again that's
why we're kind of mining ada because we expect it to go up in price it's a really good network so
hopefully something good happens on it as for daily profits on the zap minor we can kind of get
in a rough shape here i did do an estimate here so i averaged through 14 days i think it's about
15 actually five dollars and 24 cents would be down to like five a little under five uh based
on 15 days but we can look at it day for day what we actually mined here five dollars and 23
cents was on the 17th 28th 496.
So a little lower 529 536 565 568 so it looks like mid five dollar
range is what this thing here we got a six six so last few days you know something must have
been happening either the difficulty went down or the price went up i'm guessing the
price went up because crypto just started going up in the past few days which this does
resemble here so 655 almost seven bucks there when we first did get this at minor l three plus
we're almost at eight to nine dollars per day so crypto's going down so the prices next month next
two months in the next couple months coming up the l7 will be hitting this network and these
profits at least for the l3 plus will be coming down because that's a lot of hash rate but again
i don't know what's going on now that china's not selling uh bit mains not selling within
china anymore because of all the crypto crap crap oh dear all the crypto crap i'm why am i
doing i'm still doing it guys i'm sorry i'm sorry but the crypto crackdown that is happening
there so yeah so they have a big uh thing happening where they're batting all crypto
so i don't know what's gonna actually happen uh when they are due to release are they
getting refunded on orders are there gonna be more pre-sales in stock for everyone else
overseas like us in north america i have no idea what's going on but those at miners are due on
the network here within the next month or two so we're gonna see some difficulty increases and
the alp minor l3 plus definitely will be losing uh some daily profits because of that you know
what well i have you guys here we're just going to take a quick look at this antminer l3 plus just to
see what kind of a mining monster it truly is and as you can see it's 9.5 gigahash like i said this
thing does about 700 mega hash at 660 watts when tweaked not too bad here uh average it's just 800
when it is stock but we're doing only 660 watts now this l7 is 9.5 gigahertz at like 3400
right here watts so that is about 19 times the hash rate of an l3 plus at only five
times the increase in power so that's like five the power of five of them for the hash rate
of 19 of them so that is pretty insane at the same time these things are extremely expensive look at
them here this these are what is going on there so i'm going to go to my canadian prices because i
do not really know the usd conversions here we're going to hit the old apply button right there
scroll back down and here you can see like sixteen thousand dollars canadian out of stock out of
stock out of stock everything is just out of stock miner bros twenty five thousand uh mining caves
seventeen thousand out of stock coin mining central twenty thousand ak miner 19 000 so like
look at all these they're they're fairly expensive they got a decent roi if you can get in on them
early but they're definitely going to make that difficult to increase here are all the coins
they do much here we got aurora coin digibyte litecoin we got einstein einsteinium einsteinium
by the looks of things dogecoin we got floral coin we got emerald verge uh game credits and
we got the golden golden yeah golden nlg so yeah those are the coins that this does mine and
pro hashing will profit switch between them all pay you out in whatever you would like to get
paid on so it's gonna be quite interesting when this thing hits the network let me know in
the comments what do you guys think is gonna happen when this l7 hits this network all right
guys so that does sum up this video let me know what do you think how are these profits looking
uh are you mining with an outminer l3 plus are you looking at getting into an l minor l three
plus or are you holding up for an l7 which are pretty expensive but they are gonna be mining
monsters so let me know your thoughts below in the comments please hit that subscribe
button thumbs up button bell notification i'll catch you on the next one Rabid out thank
you for watching everyone if you haven't please comment subscribe and like this video as well as
check out one of these other videos if you have not seen it yet i do try to stream every saturday
and sunday so stay tuned for more future content you