Experience the Exciting World of a Mining Farm Tour

mining farm tour

The Current State of My Home Crypto Mining Farm the Day of the Ethereum Merge

Just like any passionate crypto miner, I am buzzing with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation today. There’s much to look forward to as we dive into the day of the Ethereum merge, but this also comes with a side of uncertainty. For the next 24 hours, the crypto mining landscape as we know it might drastically change and, to say the least, this has me pacing the floor of my mining shed.

One thing I thought might be a fun idea to do today of all days, is to share a bit of a rundown of the current state of my GPU mining farm. Today, we’ll focus solely on the GPU side of things, given that our ASICs and other rigs aren’t as severely impacted by Ethereum’s changes.

Overview of My Crypto Minig Farm

Plugged into Hive OS, my crypto farm has two operational setups, with a third empty farm that Hive OS doesn’t allow me to delete for some reason. One of these farms is hosting a rig for DJ Mines, while the other houses my rigs in the mining shed.

DJ Mines’ Rig – Ergo

Firstly, DJ Mines’ rig is currently mining on Ergo, and it’s doing a phenomenal job. With 10 GPUs, this open-frame rig is achieving over 1.1 giga hash, which is very impressive and, despite the exterior temperature exceeding 90 degrees, the cooling setup is handling everything without a hitch.

My Farm – Top-to-Bottom Overview

Moving on to my personal farm in the shed, I’ve divided this section according to the different setups and how they’re faring.

Beast Rig (Polo Miner Case)

The first rig is housed within a Polo Miner case (very similar to the Octo Miners or Miner Dudes). Dubbed the “Beast Rig”, this unit possesses seven GPUs on Ergo, six of which are 6600 XTs and one is a 6600. There’s also a single GPU (an RX 6500) in this rig mining on Neixa. This setup thrives on patience and a dedication to diversity, with the intention to slowly build those wallets over time.

Changeling Rig

Another rig, the “Changeling Rig”, belongs to my cousin who is not too invested into the crypto mining scene but wanted to set something up anyway. It features 1060s and one 1660 Ti for Ethereum. Right now one of the GPUs is having issues, so that will need to be addressed. This rig will stay on Ethereum up to the Ethereum merge block time tonight to see exactly what happens.

Continuing My Crypto Farm Tour

There’s plenty more to see in my crypto farm, including the “Gambit Rig”, comfortably housed in an Octo Miner X8. This rig’s claim to fame is in its impressive power efficiency, only drawing just under 100 watts per GPU while still maintaining a hash rate between 60 and 62 mega hash.

Scarlet Witch Rig

There’s also the “Scarlet Witch Rig”, currently in bad shape due to broken fans and other problematic issues. However, this eight GPU rig of 570s on Ergo still manages to keep up, though a decommissioning is on the cards, to be replaced by a cleaned, repaired rig in the near future.

Test Benches

Something else of note is the GeForce RTX 3060 Ti in one of my test benches, mining Ravencoin quite efficiently, while my “Valkyrie Rig” comfortably houses mine and my cousin’s GPUs, operating on Kapow for Ravencoin and Ethereum.

Wolf Rig

The last two of my rigs – the “Wolf Rig” and the “Wolverine Rig”, mine Flux and Ergo respectively, both doing an admirable job. The Wolf Rig, in particular, is my first of the 3000 series, which makes this a particularly entertaining day, seeing as it’s Ethereum merge day!

The Ethereum Merge Watch Party

The next few hours should deliver both clarity and tangible changes to many miners out there. To celebrate and delve into these changes, I’ll be hosting a live Ethereum Merge Watch Party tonight and invite you all to join me. Place your bets and tune in to witness this historic day unfold for Ethereum mining and the crypto space at large!

Pending Developments

Whether we’re all filled with eager anticipation or wracked with worrisome doubts about this development, one thing remains – the Ethereum merge will definitely shake things up in the world of crypto mining. As we all gear up to face this monumental moment, I’d love to hear from each of you. What is your mining situation as we encounter Ethereum merge day? Do let me know, and I’m looking forward to hosting you all at the watch party tonight. Until then, happy mining!

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About the Author: Mike Izzo


  1. I have a question, Why there is miners still mining with the current super low income which sadly not even covering the electricity instead they can turn off there rigs and buy more from the coin they are mining instead paying that money for electricity and still there rigs are off so they are not consuming them 😎

  2. Honestly I appreciate you and your content < Technical Analysis is good but I find It truly baffling that major crypto youtubers just look mostly at pure T.A and completely ignore the bigger narrative of why BTC is pumps/pumped and why the future outlook will be even rosier than it seems. It's kinda irresponsible to ignore the fact that each ETF launch so far has caused a major dump at the peaks of BTC. We were already on shaky footing with historically low volume and almost pure whale pumps,narrowly avoiding a long-term bear market. More emphasis should be put into day tradiing as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market. I have made over 12 btc from day tradng with Bradley James Holly insights and charts. He been one step ahead of other analysis..

  3. Great stream, as always. I appreciate the level-headed approach you take to the news and the markets. . A lot has changed and that's on everything but the truth is I don't even care much about bullish or bearish market anymore because Bradley James Holly got me cover as I am comfortably making 5.1B T C monthly.

  4. ethereum mining is shutdown now. How to get our mined ethereum from pool. Minimum payout is not changing now. My pool nanopool. If anybody know anything about it, please answer

  5. Damn the end of ETH mining struck me hard. Was able to mine until 08:30(MET). Then DAG verification started to fail. Now mining ETC. ETC hashrate doubled over night to 1TH;) Could be soon as profitable than ETH mining.

  6. Drifting into the trading world without the help of a professional trader and expecting profits is like turning water into wine, you would need a miracle, that's why i trade with Samantha Jack, her skills set is exceptional.

  7. I had the same issue with an extra farm on HiveOS , but I finally was able to delete it. it was pretty simple in 3 steps.
    1.Go to your farm which you not using.

    2 Then go to “Settings” then scroll down and you will see “Advanced settings” button – click on it

    3. You will seen button “Remove Farm”. After click in it you must type yes to confirm your action.

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