Table of Contents
Introduction to Our Home Crypto Mining Shed
In today’s video, we will be discussing the entire process and cost of building a home crypto mining shed. This video is sponsored by Coastal Crypto Mining, who provides exceptional customer service and support for fellow crypto enthusiasts.
Before diving in, it is important to note that not everyone can afford this type of setup, and you don’t need to go as extreme as we did on some items. For those looking for the final costs without going through the details, a timestamp is provided below.
Building a Custom Crypto Mining Shed
We built our shed using local Amish shed builders to save on costs, as well as drastically cut down on additional features such as windows and vents. The total shed was built and delivered for $1,600. The dimensions of our shed are 8 feet by 7 feet, a unique size designed to fit our needs.
Foundation and Base
The foundation of our shed, including digging, rebar, weed barrier, and stone, cost us $683.66. The base, which included building a decking on top of concrete blocks in the middle of the shed, came to $294.29.
Electrical, Intake, and Exhaust
The total cost of the electrical work done on the shed, excluding labor, was $1,478.53. This included various breakers, Romex cables, and conduit.
Our intake and exhaust setup focused on airflow, using functional gable vents and acoustic paneling to minimize noise. The total for this section was $631.81.
Flooring and Racking
When it came to flooring, we opted for an epoxy solution to protect the wood floor from any spills or damage. The total cost for the flooring, including initial epoxy and clear coat, was $177.63.
For racking, we found a Gladiator rack at Home Depot for $349.98, specifically chosen for its size and weight capacity to hold all of our mining rigs.
Additional Costs and Labor
Other costs that went into our shed included sound deadening materials ($137.96), networking equipment ($178.47), safety measures such as fire extinguishers ($99.97), and security measures like entry sensors ($74.98).
All together, excluding labor, our total cost for the shed and all associated items came to $6,843.20. When accounting for labor, it is estimated to be around $15,000 total for the entire project.
Building a home crypto mining shed can be an expensive and time-consuming process, but it has been one of the best decisions we made as hobbyist crypto miners. It’s important to do your research and understand all costs involved, as well as the amount of time and effort required to complete the project.
Despite the high costs and labor involved, having a dedicated space for crypto mining can greatly improve the efficiency and organization of your mining operation. If you’re considering building a crypto mining shed, we hope this video has provided you with valuable insights and information to help determine if it’s the right choice for you.
👀Checkout the Full Mining Shed Spreadsheet Reviewed in Todays Video
do you think your filters are making the air intake ristricted?
Do you have any idea where to purchase those AC infiniti vents in Europe? Unfortunately the cost of shipping from US is the same as for the vents 🙁
I'm surprised you never added solar to your shed!? I started with a solar generator and a few panels, wish I'd added more at the time.
Very informative! thanks for putting this together!
Great video 👍
Love your Hiveon hoodie bro ❤️🔥
i really think you done well. the pricing is good. My shed cost similar in uk, i dont have fire detectors or any type of fire balls only one fire Est. but i think the most important thing is security mine have full cctv and alarm its even have an abitly to blast white smoke in the shed so the intruders cant see anything.
Be careful cutting more holes in your walls for more vents. I'm thinking about structural integrity. Maybe only six and stager them between the existing vents.
Starting mine today, gotta work the power now
good work
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Iv got the shed I just need to figure out how to get more power to it
Now build a shed over your shed. Control temps better 😅