Revolutionary Mining Farm: Sustainable Cryptocurrency Profits

mining farm

Introducing The New Mining Pool for Meowcoin

Today’s video is sponsored by Out with the old in with the new, is now With the new name comes a brand new mining pool. is excited to announce the launch of their brand new pool for meowcoin, with stratum support for Asia, Europe, U.S East, and finally U.S West servers. Finally, we can’t forget about the new loyalty program by to earn additional meowcoins for your uptime. Go check out’s new meowcoin pool today.

Powering Down GPU Rigs amid High Electricity Costs

Unfortunately, today is a sad day for hobbyist crypto miners as the amount of electric being used is just too high, forcing them to power down their GPU rigs. It has reached the point where the electricity bill has become too expensive to bear, especially during a bear market. When the market recovers, and the electric expenses are under control, it might be a conducive time to resume full-scale mining operations.

Current Running Rigs and Plans for the Future

While several GPU rigs are being powered down, a few will remain operational as they are more efficient and profitable. These include the L3 Plus Plus, S19J Pro, and the Scarlet Witch rig consisting of 3 3070s mining for Flux and parallel assets. Additionally, several Gold Shell Mini ASICs have been moved inside the house to heat the rooms during the winter.

The Bitcoin Cannon’s S19J Pro has been taken out of the shed and placed on a shelf indoors, and the shutter fans will be upgraded to AC Infinity Bluetooth fan controllers for easy remote temperature control.

What Needs to Happen to Power Everything Back Up?

For miners to consider powering up their GPU rigs again, the market needs to recover, and electric expenses need to be under control. This might take a month, six months, or even a year – it is uncertain at this point. However, it is crucial to be prepared for when the right time comes to resume full-scale mining operations.

During this period, hobbyist miners can still continue building their cryptocurrency wallets slowly by targeting specific coins or running efficient rigs. One example is using unminable to mine Ethereum Classic and get paid out in Ravencoin.

Continuing to Create Content and Adapt to the Market Conditions

Despite powering down most GPU rigs, hobbyist miners can continue creating content and sharing their mining experiences with the community. This may involve acquiring new hardware, trying out different mining methods, and exploring various cryptocurrencies.

They can also accumulate mini box miners like the CONTAINER Pro Miner and provide some heat for their homes during the winter. Slowly building their cryptocurrency wallet while adjusting to the market conditions is a pragmatic approach for hobbyist miners during these uncertain times.


While it might be disheartening to power down GPU rigs due to high electricity costs and a bear market, it is essential to adapt and find ways to keep mining profitable and sustainable. Keeping a few efficient rigs running, exploring different cryptocurrencies, and sharing experiences with the community can help miners navigate this challenging period.

Leave your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and don’t forget to like and subscribe to stay updated on the future of hobbyist crypto mining.

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About the Author: Mike Izzo


  1. I feel you pain but I also have other kinds of mining I do that is much better. I highly recommend you look at my new posts. They are the best and most profitable during this bear market 👍

  2. I am getting ready to power up my 14 3060 rig back up to heat the house, should be able to mine for about three mounths before i have to shut it off again, like you i just got my shed where i wanted it, and now its just idle!

  3. ETH really screwed us all for sure… Was hoping to using mining for heat again this year. Now mining Kaspa but it's so efficient there isn't much heat given off, or really any profit… oh well. tax deductions are my only hope!

  4. Everytime i see one of these videos of people turning off their rigs.
    I feel alot better, that i didn't end up buying those last few 1660 supers.
    and i also think, thank god i bought 1660 supers.

  5. THM dude man truly very sorry to see this day has come! I know we talk about it but still .. keep going strong man you still have a low rate thus will be one of the first to go back online! Just keep having fun with new gear always great content!

  6. 4 degrees with negative 11 wind chill right now. Lol. Negative 26 on the 10 day forcast. My farm only cost 149 a month right now, so I'm full steam ahead in flux and kaspa with a kd box pro. Just deployed a spare 2700x and about a week away from deploying a epyc 7742

  7. Picked up a KD Box Pro myself when I saw them drop to $280. Should be delivered next week. Also picked up two 5900X's off Amazon and built two more CPU miners. One on Dero and the other on RTM

  8. You'd need a solid $10k into a solar system to power up that mining shed.. then your ROI would take about 5 to 7 yrs… So unlike Vosk and his small piece of land and the cost of the "shed".. Unplugging is a smart move. I have 1 CPU and 1 GPU running on a solar (as a project). but plan to upgrade some hardware and wire sizes come spring time.

  9. I shut down my rig about 2 weeks ago. I just couldn't justify paying 3x the value of the Flux I was mining. I will slowly collect some used AMD 6600 & 6700 cards and some Nvidia 3070 cards for when things get better. Thankfully I didn't pay for any of my hardware with credit.

  10. I had to do this with my rigs after the merge, it's 0.34p here in the UK. All my CPU rigs OFF gpu rigs OFF., but I do have a lil iPollo Mini ASIC running, I just can't stop mining completely 😁

  11. I have been Mining BNB since the merger and Ether Classic. However Ether Classic coin does not really make any real money. The BNB makes some good change but I already know it's a coin on it's own eco system and not on any other Blockchain so I'm not sure how I'm gonna get it out for use.

  12. I have a much smaller setup but was facing a huge electric bill. I had to power off after the merge. Because we were averaging over 3000 kwh we were able to fill our roof with solar panels. Getting it turned on soon. I wont be able to run everything but gonna be able to run some of my cards. After paying off panels we plan to set up another phase of solar panels that may allow us to run my little 20 card garden.😂👍currently saving money for christmas and purchasing more equipment if price is right.
    Thanks for sharing its tuff right now!

  13. I turned all my rigs off maybe 2 weeks after merge. About a month ago i turned everything back on just spec mining ethw, meocoin, kaspa, vtc, rvn, firo. Last night i was thinking about powering off everything minus one for heat. As much as i love mining and enjoy it as a hobby it's just not worth it. I'm only paying .06/kwh but even with that i can purchase the same amount of coin flat out for a fraction of what i'm spending in electricity to mine it. I really didn't want to throw the towel in and keep going because it really is enjoyable, but i think i am going to pull the plug this weekend minus 1 rig that is keeping my office in my basement warm. I'll probably get the itch again a month from now and turn it back on though lol

  14. Just waiting for yields to improve ever so slightly and i just need to be able to break even. Thus what i am spending on elec and the coins i get is same from exchange vs mining.

  15. I had all my rigs off since September. I’m just now getting them turned back on. The yields for some of the projects I support ( FLUX, RVN, RTM)are getting so good. I hope you get your electric stuff figured out so you can take advantage with the difficulty is lowering

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