Revolutionizing the Industry: The Evolution of Mining Farms

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Welcome to the world of Dual Mining

Greetings, miners! It’s an excellent opportunity to delve into the captivating world of dual mining. Today, we’ll be focusing on how to set up Hive OS to mine both Ravencoin and Zilliqa (Zil) simultaneously. Dual mining has become increasingly prevalent among miners, particularly for coins that record hits only every hour or two. For instance, this happens to be the case with ravencoin and Zil.

Dual Mining with RTX 3060

For the purpose of our demonstration, we will be using the EVGA GeForce RTX 3060. Using a flight sheet, we will set this up for mining Ravencoin, and then we’ll walk you through the process of adding Zil. The entire process is simple, beginner-friendly, and should not take more than five minutes.

The First Steps

To begin, start with the flight sheet unassigned to the 3060. This is done best on a test rig. Then you’ll have to navigate to the flight sheets option in the interface and select the option to create a new flight sheet.

Selecting the First Coin

In the new flight sheet, Ravencoin is selected as the first option. Following this, choose your wallet for Ravencoin. When it comes to selection of the mining pool, selecting minerpool is recommended. It’s incredibly user-friendly and provides a host of options to control your dashboard, minimum payouts, and several vital statistics.

Selecting the Second Coin

The second coin in this process is Zilliqa, or Zil as it’s commonly known. After selecting Zil, you will then need to choose a wallet for Zil. In this case, the Exodus Wallet serves best since it supports both Ravencoin and Zilliqa. Finally, you will need to choose a pool for Zil. Choosing ezil is recommended as it offers a user-friendly interface and provides an excellent payout experience.

Creating a Flight Sheet

The next step is to name your flight sheet. Make sure to name it in alignment with your rig and make note of the coins you are mining. Once you’re done with this, create your flight sheet. Hive OS might prompt you to select the coin you’re mining, which in our case is Zil. Apply the changes, and voila, your Flight Sheet is ready!

Sending Miner to the Moon

Next, we’ll return to our worker interface. Find the flight sheet created for this mining operation and hit ‘send it to the moon.’ This will activate the mining process on Hive OS.

Understanding the Mining Cycle

Every one to two hours, your mining rig will switch over to Zilliqa mining for approximately 90 seconds. Over time, these intervals will allow you to accumulate Zilliqa coins progressively. The directory of Zilliqa (DAG File) is considerably smaller, resulting in a higher hash rate, particularly for the 3060, eventually rewarding you with a considerable amount of Zilliqa. As this is only for 90 seconds every couple of hours, the entire process doesn’t disrupt your primary mining operation. Moreover, if Zilliqa were to spike in the future, this would leave with a decent amount of it as a bonus.

In Summary

To conclude, this was a simple walkthrough of how to mine Ravencoin and Zilliqa simultaneously using Hive OS. The entire process is both straightforward and uncomplicated. It offers a chance for miners to utilize their idle capacity and earn additional coins. It’s a perfect example of redundancy transformed into productivity.

Ready to Mine?

If you found this tutorial helpful, make sure to give it a thumbs up. Do keep exploring this world of dual mining. It’s an exciting journey filled with opportunities and surprises. Happy mining!

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About the Author: Mike Izzo


  1. Every time I try this with either RVN/ZIL or ERG/ZIL Nanominer will work fine but once it switches over to ZIL it never switches back. Anyone else have that problem? Teamredminer works fine for my amd cards but struggling here with NVDIA

  2. Thank you for this video. Testing it now on my RVN rig.

    As a key note to people here – I would put your ZIL in a wallet that you can stake it. I use Atomic Wallet, mostly because I get 13% APY with my ZIL. You can always use Moonlet as well as some people stand by it.

  3. Hello, I tried ming RVN+ZIl for 3-4 days (3xRTX 3060 Ti LHR) but I've not received any Zil coin on my wallet. What is the reason? The only difference was the RVN pool (I used 2 miners pool).

  4. My hashrate dropped from ~280 to ~261 on RVN, switching from T-Rex Miner to Nanominer. I yielded ~8.6 ZIL in ~13 hrs. Doing the math, it seems to basically result in an equal amount of ZIL gained per RVN lost.

    More testing needed, but has anyone found a way to get better hashrates with Nanominer?

  5. Thanks. I did this and let it run for a day now. Ezil. me doesn't show any activity despite the miner shows accepted shares on ezil pool. Are we giving hash power for free? No error is shown in the miner everything is working but no rewards are being accumulated in the pool website. What am I missing?

  6. One thing that should be mentioned in this video is about the zil wallet set up – you need and eth/zil address set up on the same line with a . in between in hiveos

  7. I was having the same question but in a different way .
    Got 1x 3060 and 2x 1660super on a single rig.

    Want 3060 to mine eth and both supers to mine Monero on same rig. How do I do that on hive with OCS for all of em as one super is samsung mem and other is hynix

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