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Welcome to our Mining Explainer
In today’s discussion we will run through some of the most common hardware you will encounter in the world of mining. For experienced miners, much of this will be familiar territory. Nevertheless, if you’re just starting out in the field, this explainer should serve as a very handy introduction to mining tech. Stick around until the end, as we also have a channel announcement to cover.
Power Supplies
There are two primary types of power supplies: ATX and server power supplies. The former is the standard form that you might see in most computers. Many miners opt for high-wattage ATX power supplies for their rigs. These are frequently modular, meaning you can plug in the necessary components such as your SATA, 6-pin, 8-pin, and 24-pin cables.
Server Power Supplies
Server power supplies (like those from HP or Dell) serve a similar purpose but are designed for data center use. These power supplies are often refurbished and resold at a lower-than-new price point. An appeal to miners is the cost; a 1200W server power supply can often be found for under $100, whereas a similar ATX power supply would be significantly more expensive.
Rigging it All Together
Graphics cards (GPUs) are a key element in a mining operation. Typically found mounted in a mining frame, GPUs do the heavy computational lifting. If you’re looking for a more straightforward GPU housing solution, GPU hangers have come into vogue recently. They can hang via a metal rack, letting you avoid the need for massive mining frames.
Understanding Risers, Chords, and Cables
A riser serves as an extension of a motherboard’s PCI slot, providing more physical space for critical components- especially useful when setting up multiple GPUs. However, it’s important to choose the right cables to ensure component compatibility and safety. The safest bet for most miners is to use PCI cables, designed to handle the power demands of a mining rig.
Correct Usage of Different Cables
Understanding the different power supplies and their appropriate cables is very critical. Do make sure that you never use the cheap 6 pin to SATA cable that comes with a lot of risers as they pose a fire hazard. The choice between 6 pin, molex and SATA depends heavily on the quality and capacity (wattage) of the cable. Manufacturers make the 6 pin cables rated for up to 196 watts; hence, they’re the go-to choice for most miners.
Computer Hardware as Mining Rig Builders
The motherboard is the backbone of your mining rig. There are motherboards designed specifically for mining that have extra PCI slots to accommodate more GPUs. Alternatively, you can opt for a general-purpose motherboard (like the HP model in this guide) and use PCI slot expander cards to increase the number of GPUs your rig can handle.
Storage Drives, Adapters and Other Supplies
Solid State Drives (SSDs) serve as the core storage component in a mining rig, useful for storing your operating system (like Windows 10 or Hive OS) and mining software. SATA to USB adapters come in handy for setting up new rigs directly from your desktop computer.
Furthermore, details like voltage meters, PDUs, standoffs, and power buttons also play crucial roles. Do not forget to replace the thermal paste and pads within your GPUs for optimal heat dissipation.
Finally, Risers
Risers are a crucial part of your rig, connecting your GPUs to your motherboard at a distance. It’s important to ensure that they of high quality for reliability. Today’s excitement is the announcement of our new partnership with GPUrisers.com, who offer high-quality, reliable riser products with excellent customer service.
Closing up
We hope this exploration of the world of mining hardware has been informative and useful. Remember, it’s all about the equipment you use and how you utilize it. Welcome to the world of mining! Do browse GPUrisers.com and enjoy a discount with our promo code. Thanks for sticking around and happy mining!
What Parts am I Missing? What GPU Crypto Mining Parts do you feel every New Beginner Miner should be made aware of, that I missed in the video!?
Super useful, seems simple enough to set up so I might start a mini rig
Fantastic video. Thank you for making this
Very helpful video 🙏
Awesome!! Very Informative!!
How do I buy the gpu hangers
i cannot find a breakout board for dell server psu
What does this cost to run each day – Kwh and how much hash do you get from each GPU ?
Can you please do some reviews on 1 to 4 pcie adapters?
At 8:12 you point at the 240v meter in the other room, can you provide some details/link on what it is?
Cool to see another PA miner also. Cheers man!!
Hi there. Just wanted to better understand the way you power the GPUs. Do you use a pci-e y splitter to power the card and the riser. I noticed that some video cards have additional 6 and 8 pins connectors on top, besides de pci-e so this is why I ask. If by powering the riser you will get enough to run the card. Thanks.
Another great video. Couple suggestions. One, your light switch is either upside down or wired backwards. Up is is always on. Another thing, you have a huge investment there! I'd be installing a Carbon Dioxide CO₂ Fire Suppression System in the basement to protect your home, you and most of all your fam & pets! you can set them up as independent separate systems for each area. Good luck! HODL~
Can someone please help me? I have 2 PSU's on 1 rig by seasonic and 1 of them stopped working. So i bought 2 evga PSU's to replace the seasonic ones. The main PSU that also powers the motherboard, powers on the motherboard but not the GPU's. Old one works but new one doesn't on the rig. Does anyone know what can cause this?
Hey, any suggestions on how to build my first mine rig on $1000 budget
Great info. U should do a assembly video
Looking to upgrade from regular MB/case/PSU to dedicated mining equipment and this was a big help.
How loud are the server psus?
One thing I would like to know is on mining pools with hiveos, when you use a pool that is not hiveon with like ergo or ravenvcoin, how does the payout work. I have had a hard time finding out when those payouts happen and what the payout minimum is.
I was going to build this until I obtained a panda 8x GPU miner for $250.00 and an evga 1300w PSU for $300.00.
In this video I saw that you are using a. Old green color Mobo and it supports 4 GPUs. Is it that, any Mobo can support any number of GPUs with the help of 4 splitter.
I am asking this because I bought an Asrock b365m pro4. I use 1 to 4 adaptor the same one you are using however the moment I plugged in the 3rd gpu the computer won't start. Also, if I plug in the 3rd gpu when it's computer is operational the computer won't recognise it. Is this a problem of Mobo as Asrock says that this Mobo can only support 2 gpus or power supply. I am using Aresgame agk 850. I am using y splitters to power up the GPUs with risers.
Your guidance will be appreciated.
I have an old dell sff pc – can i mine with that?
Hi there love your channel. I just subscribed. I am just curious if you use both ATX PSU and Server PSU, do they need to be connected together by some kind of cable? I have a small rig using 2 ATX PSUs, and they both connected by a 24 pins splitter. Like your said ATX PSU is expensive. I think in the future I want to use server PSU, but unsure about this
Thank you for this HM!! I'm so impressed how deep you've jumped into mining in such a short period of time. The timing on this video is perfect. I've just started mining with a 4 GPU rig. Now, I'm starting to develop my expansion plan into my garage using a metal rack and a hydroponic tent. The metal rack system looks so versatile with the GPU hangers. For those that are home miners do you have any thoughts on fire protection safety measures or precautions just in case of the unexpected if you go on a family trip and no one is home with the assumption that no SATA is used? Thanks again Brother!!
Thank you for this explanation. It helped especially on the GPU Risers & Power Breakdown
Hi i just bought 2 x riserless mining rigs they dont have windows on them they have built in sata they have hive os built in can you help me how do i enter into sata to add my wallet ect. On the rig do i need to conect this whole rig to another windows computer as sata is built in i think
can i show you my set up?
The Bit coin mar|ket is experiencing a fierce correction as many institutional investors are entering with a buy-and-hodl mentality given their understanding of Bit coin as digital goId. I think that will be beneficial for Bit coin in the long run; making now the right time to stack up more Bit coin by tradn the asset. I have been in the cry pto world for just over a year now and I have been able to make 31 βͲ↻ foIIowing the reasonable adv!se and tradn s!gnals from Anderson Falk IV, a pro anaIysis that is always one step ahead of other tradrs, he runs a program for serious minded investors/newbies who are curious to e arn from bit coin regardless of the current price chart. You can easily get to Falk on 🆃🅴🅻🅴🅶🆁
🅼 @falkandy
So if my motherboard has 6 PCIe slots, and I just want to mine with 6 gfx cards, I won't need risers? That is if my motherboard only has 2 slots, and I want to do 3+ at a time? If I understood that correctly, which would you prefer? I want to do a max of 6 per PC. Should I get the motherboard that supports 6, or a riser strategy?