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Introduction to the Hobbyist Miner’s Basement Renovation
Welcome to another update on the hobbyist miner’s basement renovation project. Over the last few days, our miner has been working on renovating his basement, focusing on drywall installation and setting up his mining rigs and office space. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the progress made so far and discuss the plans for the future.
Basement Renovation Progress
The basement renovation has come a long way since the last update. The miner and his team have been working tirelessly to install drywall and have almost finished the job, only needing to complete the window area and utility closet. The basement now has Ethernet and power setup for each room, with the miner’s office relocated next to the mining room.
They have also made progress on their mining room. There is plenty of Ethernet connectivity, with four ports across various areas within the room. There are also numerous power outlets available to accommodate mining rigs and other devices that may require power, such as monitors and chargers.
Office Setup and Mining Rigs
The miner’s office is currently housing the mining rigs temporarily while the mining room is under construction. The office itself does not have any lighting installed yet, but the plan is to install LED lights soon. On one side of the office will be a workbench with storage and Ethernet and power connections for a functional workspace.
In the other half of the room, the miner’s desk will be set up, with a TV above the desk area. The office currently hosts a 12 GPU mining rig for Ergo, two Radeon RX 580s for Ethereum, a GeForce RTX 3060 for Ergo, two AMD Radeon R9 380s for Ethereum Classic, and six NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060s for Ethereum mining.
Great build brother but I don’t think that’s going to be anywhere enough cfm to get the heat out. I’m using 3 times that cfm airflow in a grow tent 1/3 of that room size and it’s just enough. Just wanted to share the thought. But I’m running (20) ASUS 3080’s so they do put out a ton of heat.
Are they t6 or t8?
Hey great video! Just curious why you went with positive pressure vs negative?
Nicely done. I've been using a single 6" fan from Vortex with 6" conical air-filter for my S9; it cuts the noise drastically and the system been working great for over a year now. For cleaning, I only have to remove the filter and vacuum off dust; no need to shutdown the miner. BTW, 6" fan is good enough for 550MHz setting on 115v standard household current; anything over then it'll need to step up to 8" or larger.
Great setup 👌 I'm only concerned about bringing air in, especially in the winter, I live in Michigan, is it fine to use those fans when it's very cold ?
Is that 2x 4” pipes connection to another 4” 🤔
Why would you exhaust 2 6" fans into a single 6" tube?
Isn't it that if you have intake on front, exhaust on the right of the room, then air will take the shortest route and skip the corner in rear left side of the room and create a hot spot with air just running in circle?
Though I might be wrong, just based it on my in-head airflow simulation.
Cool set-up mate and if you have space, a 20 feet container could be a much better solution for creating a controlled environment!
If, during the summer, you are having the exhaust fans going at 810 CFM (total), and that AC unit is right in front of them (if you ever feel the need to plug it in) I don't think you are going to do anything but pull all that cold air out of the room before it has a chance to circulate.
Also, I have a concern that your intake fans rated at 410 CFM total will wear out faster and cause a negative pressure load due to you pulling twice as fast out than what being pushed in.
It will also depend on where you place your farms and how that airflow will circulate.
ok, I typed all that out and realized that you posted this like 12 days ago…lol. I'll be interested to see in the update to this video how the humidity and temperature in that room behaves with the setup you came up with.
I read as much as I could. Did anyone ask why your AC dump is not on the opposite side of the room as the exhaust, this will cause the air to be pulled across the room, looks like it will be pulled right into the exhaust vents right now. Great job.
If you are in PA you should really consider using the heat from that room to heat the rest of your house in the winter. Last winter with 2 rigs on the main floor in different rooms, and 1 machine in each of the bedrooms upstairs I barely has to use my furnace. Saved a lot on heating costs to offset the electricity cost. Really adds up since you are basically already generating as many watts of heat as electricity you are using, don’t waste it.
Based on your power infrastructure you must be planning on around 8000 watts of rigs in there, I don't think you've got a quarter the ventilation you need to run through the summer.
Came back to this video to ask you some help about the filtering. I have the same system and i would like to request your help regarding the filter
Whats the permitting process like for this. ha ha ha ha
I don't understand the need for ethernet wired connections. I have 1.86 ghs equipment all on wifi no problem.
Be careful not to vent more air than you bring in, I created a negative air pressure situation in my basement with ac infinity exhaust vents and messed up my hot water heater vent. Carbon monoxide is no joke.
Are you going to only run the fans when the relative humidity is optimal outside? You run a high risk of walking in to a room literally dripping. Especially when there are rapid temp changes outside.
great but my question is that how Power Department let people like you having such High power consumption? I mean this should need to apply for a license to get Such consumption from Power Department with a high amper Powerbox, don't!
What you should do ASAP is test your system. 2 fans in and 2 fans out in a small room. You might end up with room slowly heating up.
You can test this with a fan/heater in the room.
The more fans u use. The more resistance you create.
And if its not balanced out. The fans will work againts each other and make the airflow much less.
2 fans in serie vs 2 fans in parralell will also make big difference to flow in the room. Which is also very important.
Since you make youtube videos. Why not set off a smoke bomb and film it. 🙂
Just make sure your duct fan cfm is equal to or greater than the total cfm of your gpu fans. If not, it will slowly heat up to match the gpu exhaust air temps. I have the 10 inch ac infinity pulling from a closet with 2gh running and it stays at 105f right now. That's sucking from an air conditioned room
Why not mine eth, sell it and then buy ergo?
Do epoxy flooring, looks more nicer than laminate
IT looks cool 😉👍
Very nice setup love your stuff , I'm an architect engineer and if I can give you a tip,
try your fans to give you enough air supply to recycle the air in the room minimum 5 times an hour.
you can find this by multiplying the cubic meters of the room by 5 and then multiplied the air supply off the fans
anything less than 5 will create a vacuum and will not be efficient . For example if the intake fans are moving 500 cubic meters of air
and the exhaust fans are moving 600 this will create negative pressure and the intake fans will not work properly
plus you also need to consider the lengths of the tubes and how many bends you have in your setup
for every miter of tube with 2 90”degree bends you have to add another 1 cubic meter of air supply
As always amazing work to see this being done!! I love seeing your rigs, setup, info and everything. I am working on growing my own farm as we speak
Concrete also holds heat, it is possible but unlikely unless your cooling is insufficient to essentially thermally fill the concrete which leads to a domino effect. Think of the room and concrete as reservoirs, your room air is your primary reservoir when it overfills (gets too hot) it begins heating the concrete. While the primary reservoir in this case, the room air, is easy to "empty" or extract all the air and exchange it with new air, the concrete or secondary reservoir is much, much harder to extract the heat. Again, unlikely, but just make sure you keep it cool in there or it could be a real bear to cool it after a long thermal soak. Looking really good though, looks amazing! Thanks for the videos and ideas man!
Awesome. This renovation must be costing a fortune! What's the ROI gonna be like on the expenditure?
You should rename your channel to "The Industrial Miner", this is not hobby grade anymore lol
Enjoy the rest of your week 🙂
Might need more airflow, but cool project.
i used to grow herbs in a tent a few years ago, my state being legal now i think about getting back into it often 🤔
I didn't think to mention it sooner, but rigid ducting would get you better airflow. Dust and pollen can also get trapped in the baffles in horizontal runs – which is why rigid ducting is required by code for dryers.
Amazing… love it. Definitely feel like the concrete floor should be sealed at least. Concrete and brick both make their own dust
no longer hobbiest miner. expert miner now :p
Doing a great job!!!!!
Little data center in the basement. Hope you don’t plan on moving anytime soon, that’s a lot of work
Make sure you double-up on your power points. It can also be a good idea to cut in an extra flushbox here and there and throw in a draw wire in locations you're in two minds about. $10 spent now can save a lot of heartache and expense in future if you ever decide you really need some power above a desk or whatever.
Love the work you're doing!! Congrats on setting it up.
Man I wish I could get a setup like this. That is awesome!
You must live in the south. They only use that fiber glass dust down south. Quick tip doesn't make for a gold clean room for pcs parts with fiber glass in the air
The light 💡 on ground in the mining room don’t it produce heat
immersion setup …wayyyyyy more efficient and cheaper dcx/ beemer miner/ etc
WOW! Im speechless that looks amazing! Super excited to see it get finished hope it all goes smoothly! Keep it up brother!
Just curious, would the two 6 inch T pieced into one cause any issues with backflow, especially when the T piece isn't level? Not sure if it would have been better having the 6 inched T pieced (level) into an 8 inch