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Building a Mining Rig for Post-Ethereum Merge

In today’s technological era, the cryptocurrency market is witnessing significant advancements. With Ethereum merging on the horizon, many miners are now being forced to reassess their existing mining rigs and potentially build new ones that are effective and efficient for the post-Ethereum merge scenario.

In this article, we will discuss the vital elements of building a mining rig to ensure it is up-to-date, robust, and beneficial after the Ethereum merge. The development team may push off the Ethereum merge, but as miners, we have to anticipate and prepare for what the landscape might look like after the Ethereum merge.

What is Ethereum Merge?

Ethereum merge signifies Ethereum’s transition from Proof-of-Work (PoW) to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. This transition is instrumental in handling Ethereum’s scalability issues, reducing excessive energy consumption, and improving transaction speed.

Building a Mining Rig for Post-Ethereum Merge

To guarantee a mining rig’s efficiency after the Ethereum merge, it’s vital to speculate on the hardware that could potentially thrive in the new ecosystem. Mindful selection of the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) plays a critical role in this process.

Hardware Selection – Exploring the Options

Consider an example where we are building an 8 GPU mining rig. A combination of Power Color Hellhounds, Power Color Fighters, and Gigabyte Eagle 6600s might be an excellent fit for this. These GPUs do well mining Ethereum, but our vision extends to the period when Ethereum will no longer be minable, whether that happens in August or afterwards.

As for the server case, it’s advisable to pick one equipped with efficient cooling technology, sufficient power, and good support for the hardware. Consider this server case from skmining.com, which checks all these boxes, for example.

Overclocking and Undervolting – Controlling System Performance

To ensure your GPUs are functioning optimally and not overheating, it’s essential to overclock and undervolt them. Overclocking involves running your GPU at a speed greater than its default while undervolting is reducing the GPU’s voltage to minimize power consumption and heat production.

For mining rigs geared towards post-Ethereum mining, energy efficiency is a crucial factor, thereby making overclocking and undervolting critical for such systems.

Mining on the ProgPow Algorithm

One of the primary considerations when building a mining rig after the Ethereum merge is the algorithm choice. Currently, ProgPow is considered an attractive option, and as such, the mining rig set up for the example above was done with the ProgPow algorithm in focus.

Mining Post Ethereum

While there’s uncertainty about what people will mine after Ethereum ceases to be mined, several propositions are already gaining traction. These include coins such as Ergo, Flux, Firo, Raven, and Ethereum Classic, to name a few.

Looking at Profitability and Cost

When building a mining rig with the Ethereum merge in view, efficiency is a key consideration. The reduction of energy usage directly correlates to lowered expenses, which optimises profitability. For example, reducing power consumption by half can drastically change the mining profitability and cost-effectiveness for both network-intensive algorithms and those consuming less power.

The Importance of Yield

For the rational miner, the emphasis on yield over profitability is crucial. The modus operandi is not to cash out immediately, but to play the long game. Mining for yield today could result in significant profits when the value of the mined crypto-asset increases in the future.

Wrapping Up

The Ethereum merge is inevitable, and as proactive miners, it’s imperative to be prepared and adaptable. Miners need to rethink their strategies, adapt to new algorithms, and make modifications to their current rigs to keep pace with the changing landscape of cryptocurrency. Building a mining rig for the post-Ethereum merge might appear daunting now, but careful planning and anticipation can make the transition smoother and profitable in the long run.

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About the Author: Mike Izzo


  1. I've been avoiding mining because of setup costs. I'm ready to jump in. I am an AMD boy and looking at Threadrippers so i can CPU mine if I want to.

    In this environment, what GPUs do you recommend with an AMD (probably going to limit myself to 4 GPUs initially)?

  2. Hey hobbyist miner. I was wondering if you could look at the 6650 xt, 6750 xt and the 6950 xt refresh series. I noticed there was a increase in clock based algorithms rather then memory and would like your take on it. There isn't enough data on them on YouTube and would appreciate it if you find the time for it.

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